Lineage of Greatness

Sep 22, 2024    Ravi Kandal

This message is about stepping into crazy faith. Join us in this sermon as we look at Ruth, Boaz, and David, and how they didn’t settle for the ordinary—they trusted God in the unfamiliar. When you align yourself with God, you’re not just stepping into His blessing, you’re setting up a lineage of greatness. First, meet God where you’ve found Him before, in the familiar, to establish stability in your faith. Once you have that foundation, God will push you into the unfamiliar, and that’s where you need to trust Him even more. What feels unfamiliar to you is already known to God. And here’s the key: it’s not about rushing or forcing things. It’s about waking up every day, ready to find God, to ambush His presence, to seek Him where you’ve found Him before, and to trust that He’s leading you into something bigger. Let’s stop holding back—God’s already ahead of you, and He’s got more in store than you can imagine. Let’s have the kind of faith that lets Him take us there.