God’s Plans, Not Goals

Sep 29, 2024    Ravi Kandal

In today’s sermon, we explored the transformative power of faith and how it shifts your life from emptiness to fullness in God. What you honor, you become—when you honor God, you reflect His nature. As Christians, you're called to live by God’s plans, not merely by setting goals. His plans bring progress, experience, and favor into your life.

Faith, even as small as a mustard seed, has the power to grow into something extraordinary. Through faith, you gain understanding and the ability to bring solutions, not just for yourself but for others. Jesus taught that faith leads to life and freedom, moving you from a place of emptiness to a place of divine purpose.

It's time to shift from worldly emptiness to the fullness of God’s Spirit. Like an eagle learning to soar, your faith, though it may start small, empowers you to rise higher and embrace the abundance of God’s provision. By trusting in His plans, you can experience healing, strength, and step into the solutions God has prepared for you.